
Showing posts from September, 2017

Fall Fair Tonight*** Thursday September 28, 2017

Today we discussed what Orange shirt day is, and why it is important. We spoke about kindness and acceptance and what that looks like in pictures and words. Students may have great questions for you to start a discussion. See this website for more information on what we discussed in school today. We encourage students to wear orange tomorrow to show their support. Tonight   - Fall Fair- Everyone Welcome Friday Sept. 29  - TOMORROW  - Wear Orange! Friday is Orange Shirt Day! Please wear orange in support of our Residential School survivors and victims. We will be talking about Phyllis' story and talking about how we can show kindness and empathy towards others. Please see this website for more info. Ms. Barley's class will also be walking to the Wetlands from 9:30-10:30 on Friday. Please

Tuesday, Sept. 26th

Hello families! Thank you to all of you who made it to our Student-Centered Conferences! It was wonderful talking with you! In math, we have been talking about sorting objects by attributes and keeping our work nicely organized. Here is an example of how we organized our work on the Smartboard! We also started working on our reading & writing in Literacy Centres. Ask me what centres I have been doing! Today we started talking about Inquiry and what "I wonders..." we have about "Colour". Some of our questions were: "How do you make the colour brown?" "Why does the Earth look blue & green?" "How does the colour from markers soak into the paper?" We can't wait to explore some of these questions! We have a very busy week ahead. Please see below for information! Thursday - Fall Fair Friday - Wear Orange! Friday is Orange Shirt Day! Please wear orange in support of our Residential School survivors and victims. We

Wednesday, Sept. 20th

Today we had our Evacuation practice and Lockdown practice. All of the Grade 1s did an amazing job! It was very important that we practice these important safety procedures. Ask your child about it tonight! We used our imagination and created some interesting art pieces today inspired by the book, "Beautiful Oops" by Barney Saltzberg. We learned that mistakes like spilled paint or torn paper can be turned into something beautiful. We look forward to seeing you for conferences either Thursday evening or Friday morning. Please remember to return your blue sheets as soon as possible. The Book Fair will also be going on during conferences! Stop in and see what's exciting in the Learning Commons! Reminder: No school Friday due to conferences!

Safety Week! Sept. 18th

This week is Safety Week! We had a fire drill practice today. We practiced walking quietly and lining up at the hill. Ask me how it went and what is important to remember? We also talked a little bit about "Tricky People" (Stranger Danger). These are people who might trick us into following them or doing something we don't feel comfortable doing. We know it is okay to say "NO!" and to go to a trusted adult (such as the teacher) if we are ever uncomfortable.  On Wednesday we will also have an Evacuation practice to William D. Pratt school and a Lockdown practice. We will continue to talk about safety throughout the week. Thank you in advance for supporting us at home with this.  Important Reminders! **Please return all blue forms ASAP.  **Conferences are on Thursday evening and Friday morning. Please book online ASAP and see the office if you do not have your My CBE account set up. Please inform your teacher if you cannot make conferences on these days.

Friday Sept. 15th - Our week in review!

Happy Friday!! We have had a busy week! Check our mail folders today because we have our home journals to share. Please remember to write your child a little note back in the journal. In Math, we started working on the "Candy Problem". How many different ways can 3 kids share 8 candies? Take a look at how we organized our work on the Smartboard! We also worked on Sorting objects into groups. How many different ways can we sort buttons?? Shape, Size, Colour, Number of holes, etc. Important Reminders! **All blue forms that have gone home this week need to be returned ASAP.  **Conferences are on Thursday evening and Friday morning. Please book online ASAP and see the office if you do not have your My CBE account set up.  **Library books can be returned anytime. This week we will be setting up for the book fair so the students will NOT be taking out new books this week. 

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Mon. Sept. 11th

Welcome back to our 2nd week of school! Today your child will have lots of papers in their mail folder including the R.O.S. new school year package. Please read through these forms and return the BLUE forms to your teacher as soon as possible. :) Please also ensure that the mail folders come back to school every day! We had a very exciting assembly led by a circus performer named Sapphire. She taught us how science and math can be used in the performing arts! Sapphire is a representative from Beakerhead! "Beakerhead is an annual program that brings together the arts, sciences, and engineering sectors to build, engage, compete, and exhibit interactive works of art, engineered creativity and entertainment." It is happening in Calgary this week!! Check out for more info on where to find an exhibit or event!

Sept. 7th - Volunteer Orientation on Monday!

Dear Parents, Thank you to those who have expressed that you would like to volunteer! We would like to invite you to a Volunteer Orientation meeting on Monday (Sept. 11th) 6:00-7:00pm here at the school run by our admin team. If you have NOT YET attended one of these meetings, this is a great chance to have all of your questions answered and fill in all of the necessary paperwork that is needed for you to volunteer! We are excited to have you in our classrooms! Directly after the Volunteer Orientation is the Parent Council/Fundraising meeting at 7:00pm. Please stay to find out more information about our school and how you can be involved! Have a great evening!

First Day Newsletter Sept.5, 2017

Dear Parents and Students, Please find below some general information you will find helpful as we begin our year of learning together. Shoes Students require two pairs of shoes.   One pair is to be used exclusively for indoor wear and the other for outdoor wear.   Please select shoes that your child can put on easily and independently.   If your child is unable to tie his/her shoes independently, please use Velcro shoes.   Both pairs of shoes should be appropriate for gym activities and running as we participate in daily physical education both indoors and outdoors dependent on weather. Please label your child’s shoes as many children have the same shoes. J Dress Students are expected to be able to fully and independently get their jackets on, change their shoes, pack up their backpacks, and put on their own hats and gloves.   If this is a skill that your child is still learning, please be sure to practice at home, and send them to school with items of clothing t