Tuesday, Sept. 26th

Hello families! Thank you to all of you who made it to our Student-Centered Conferences! It was wonderful talking with you!

In math, we have been talking about sorting objects by attributes and keeping our work nicely organized. Here is an example of how we organized our work on the Smartboard!

We also started working on our reading & writing in Literacy Centres. Ask me what centres I have been doing!

Today we started talking about Inquiry and what "I wonders..." we have about "Colour". Some of our questions were: "How do you make the colour brown?" "Why does the Earth look blue & green?" "How does the colour from markers soak into the paper?" We can't wait to explore some of these questions!

We have a very busy week ahead. Please see below for information!

Thursday - Fall Fair

Friday - Wear Orange!

Friday is Orange Shirt Day! Please wear orange in support of our Residential School survivors and victims. We will be talking about Phyllis' story and talking about how we can show kindness and empathy towards others. Please see this website for more info. http://www.orangeshirtday.org/uploads/7/9/8/7/79871818/about_orange_shirt_day.pdf

Ms. Barley's class will also be walking to the Wetlands from 9:30-10:30 on Friday. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately with comfortable shoes. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Ms. Barley!

Next Tuesday - Wear your Royal Oak Blue!
On Tuesday, October 3rd, Royal Oak School and William D. Pratt School will be participating in the Terry Fox Run.  Students will gather on the field between the two schools to take part in the annual 30-minute run, which is scheduled to begin at 10:30am.  Students attending afternoon Kindergarten are welcome to attend, if they are accompanied by a supervising adult.
On this day please ensure that your child is appropriately dressed for the weather (including running shoes).  If the weather is poor, students will walk inside the school during their PE class time.
If you can, we are asking that each child bring in a “Toonie for Terry” for the Terry Fox Foundation during the week of September 26 - October 3rd. This foundation helps support ongoing Cancer research. 
All parents/guardians who are interested in joining their child/children in this event are more than welcome.
We do require a fair number of volunteers for this event to ensure its success.  If you have security clearance and if you are able to volunteer during the run time, kindly contact our school Volunteer Coordinator at rosvolunteers@gmail.com.
Thank you for your continued support.
The Terry Fox Run Committee


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