Safety Week! Sept. 18th

This week is Safety Week! We had a fire drill practice today. We practiced walking quietly and lining up at the hill. Ask me how it went and what is important to remember?

We also talked a little bit about "Tricky People" (Stranger Danger). These are people who might trick us into following them or doing something we don't feel comfortable doing. We know it is okay to say "NO!" and to go to a trusted adult (such as the teacher) if we are ever uncomfortable. 

On Wednesday we will also have an Evacuation practice to William D. Pratt school and a Lockdown practice. We will continue to talk about safety throughout the week. Thank you in advance for supporting us at home with this. 

Important Reminders!

**Please return all blue forms ASAP. 
**Conferences are on Thursday evening and Friday morning. Please book online ASAP and see the office if you do not have your My CBE account set up. Please inform your teacher if you cannot make conferences on these days.
**Library books can be returned anytime. This week we will be setting up for the book fair so the students will NOT be taking out new books this week. You can purchase books from the Book Fair during conferences. 


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