Friday Sept. 15th - Our week in review!

Happy Friday!! We have had a busy week!

Check our mail folders today because we have our home journals to share. Please remember to write your child a little note back in the journal.

In Math, we started working on the "Candy Problem". How many different ways can 3 kids share 8 candies? Take a look at how we organized our work on the Smartboard!

We also worked on Sorting objects into groups. How many different ways can we sort buttons?? Shape, Size, Colour, Number of holes, etc.

Important Reminders!

**All blue forms that have gone home this week need to be returned ASAP. 
**Conferences are on Thursday evening and Friday morning. Please book online ASAP and see the office if you do not have your My CBE account set up. 
**Library books can be returned anytime. This week we will be setting up for the book fair so the students will NOT be taking out new books this week. 


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