Tuesday - June 19

Dear Volunteers,

We are in need of some awesome volunteers to help with cleaning our technology before we put it away for the summer.  If you have anytime this Thursday (June 21st) afternoon or Friday (June 22nd) morning please let your classroom teacher know so that we can have enough cloths to wipe everything down.
Thank you,

The Technology Committee


-Student Work and personal items: in the next days, students will start taking their work home. If, your child will not be here until the last day of school, please inform his/her teacher to make sure they will take home their work, shoes and other belongings. Students are encouraged to bring reusable bag to school to place items may not fit into their backpacks.

-If your family will be away the last day of school, please provide the school with a legal sized envelope with your home address and make sure it contains proper postage for your child’s report card to be mailed out. Report cards will not be able to go home early.

Important dates: 
Thursday  | June 21 - Aboriginal Day
Tuesday | June 26 - School BBQ - Order deadline is today - Jun 19
Wednesday | June 27 - Last Day of school for students


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