Monday - June 4

Bike to School Day - Tomorrow!
Drop off is from 8:40-9:10. Please ensure that your child's bike tag is on their bike. They can pick their bikes up from the compound at the end of the day.

Students need a shoe box as part of our inquiry unit. Please send a shoebox in with your child by Wednesday June 6th.

Circle of Courage Spotlight
Friday June 8 
Alex, Oxenia & Jack

To learn more about the Circle of Courage Spotlight click here.

Library Books
All library books are to be returned to the learning commons by June 15 in order for the staff to do inventory. Thank you for your consideration. 

Important dates: 
Tuesday | June 5- Bike to school Day - Tomorrow!!!
Monday | June 11 - Zoo field trip!!!
Wednesday | June 27 - last day of school for student


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