Tuesday May 8 , 2018


In Math we are applying our knowledge of subtraction to help us figure out how many vegetables are in a garden if a pesky skunk eats some. 
Ask me about: How many vegetables were left in your garden today?

Last week we planted tomato seeds that had spent some time on the International Space Station !!!!  We have 1 sprout today!!!! 
Check out this link for more information on the program.

Dear Volunteers,

Thank you for choosing to be involved in the educational journey of our students and staff, sharing your time, talents and resources to enrich our community.  Each act of kindness, each encouraging word, each helping hand, and each smile makes a BIG difference!

If you have helped out in any way during the school year, whether it be at the Hug ‘n Go, accompanying a field trip, reading with students, or helping in the library and classroom, please join us for the:
Royal Oak Volunteer Tea
Friday, June 1st
10:00 AM
The staff and students are eager to show our appreciation for all you do for Royal Oak School! Please RSVP by May1

AIWC forms (Alberta Institute for Wildlife Conservation)
********Please return the blue AIWC permission forms if you have not already.  You can make payment online along with your payment for the upcoming zoo trip.  *********

Children's Book Week (May 7-11)
We have lots of fun activities planned next week to recognize Children's book week next week. As part of the celebration, students will be writing book reviews, listening to a guest author, Lauren Himmelreich, buddy reading as well as having the opportunity to dress up as their favourite literacy character on Friday May 11th. 

Stampede Pancake Breakfast (May 25) 
We are excited that the Calgary Stampede Downtown Attractions Breakfast Committee will be hosting a FREE Stampede Pancake Breakfast for our entire school community on Friday May 25th. This event will begin at 7:30am and pancakes will be served until approximately 8:30 am. Families are encouraged to come early to enjoy this free event and stay to socialize till approximately 9am.

Alien In-Line Skating

Mrs. Daniels                                                             Mr. Pereira   
Wednesday, May 9 - 1:50 - 2:35                                  Wednesday, May 9 - 2:35 - 3:10
Wednesday, May 16 - 1:50 - 2:35                                Wednesday, May 16 - 2:35 - 3:10

We are in need of volunteers: If you would like to volunteer during the Alien In-Line Skating, please sign up at - http://www.signupgenius.com/go/60b0a4fa9ae2ca5f94-alien

Circle of Courage Spotlight
May 11 
Hera & Paige

To learn more about the Circle of Courage Spotlight click here.

****Home Reading****
Please send back clear home reading book bags every Tuesday and Thursday to get your new books! The volunteers exchange the books in the morning so it is important that students hand them in first thing when they arrive. Just a reminder that these books should be at a "just right" level for independent reading for your child. 

Important dates: 
Apr. 30 to May 17 - Alien In-Line Skating
May 7 - 11: Children's Book Week
Friday | May 11 - "Dress Up" as your Favourite Literary Character
Monday | May 14 - "Willy Wonka" at Willian D.Pratt
Friday | May 25 - Stampede Pancake Breakfast - 7:30 am to 9:00 am
Tuesday | May 29  AWIC presentations
Friday | June 1 - Volunteer Tea


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