Tuesday - Apr 24

Celebration of Learning
Thank you for all of your support! Through the sales of our Grade 1 art work we were able to raise almost $300. to donate to Kidsport.  We would like to meet a donation goal of $500.  If you would like to purchase another Grade 1 art card, or if you were unable to be at the celebration of learning and would like to purchase a card, please send in your $5.00 donation to your child's teacher and they will send home a beautiful keepsake of their sustainable community art work from Grade 1. These would make perfect Mother's or Father's Day gifts!! 

Thank you for your continued support....Lets meet our goal!! 

Jump Event Day

Hello! Tomorrow is our Jump Event Day! There are a few things we want you to remember for tomorrow:

    1) Wear RED in support of the Heart and Stroke Foundation
    2) Remember to bring in your pledge collection envelope
    3) If you have your own skipping rope, please bring it to school. Don't forget to put your name on it.
    4) Get ready to get your hearts pumping and have some fun!
Make sure you eat well and get a good night's sleep so you will have lots of energy for our Jump Day!!

We also want to send out a MASSIVE THANK YOU to Royal Oak Sobeys for donating oranges to our school so we can enjoy a healthy snack after the event. THANK YOU SOBEYS!!!

Alien In-Line Skating

Details and forms were sent with students today!!! Please complete the blue Acknowledgment of Risk form and pay online using your MyCBE account by Friday, April 17th.

Circle of Courage Spotlight
April 27 
Cohen & Simone

To learn more about the Circle of Courage Spotlight click here.

****Home Reading****
Please send back clear home reading book bags every Tuesday and Thursday to get your new books! The volunteers exchange the books in the morning so it is important that students hand them in first thing when they arrive. Just a reminder that these books should be at a "just right" level for independent reading for your child. 

Important dates: 
Wednesday | Apr. 25 - Jump Rope for Heart - Jump Day - Please wear RED!
Thursday | Apr.26 - Family Movie Night - 6-8pm
Friday | Apr.17 - Please return forms and pay online the "Alien In-Line Skating" program
Apr. 30 to May 17 - Alien In-Line Skating
Wednesday | May 2 - "Hats ON" for Mental Health Day- Where your favourite hat to school.
May 7 - 11: Children's Book Week
Friday | May 11 - "Dress Up as your Favourite Literary Character
Monday | May 14 - "Willy Wonka" at Willian D.Pratt


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