Tuesday March 6, 2018

Hello Royal Oak School Parents and Guardians! Your son and/or daughter will be bringing home a letter soon telling you about our Skating Activity that will take place March 14, 15 and 16th. We are looking for several volunteers to help with tying skates, assisting on the ice, walking with classes from the school to the outdoor rink and helping with the skate shack. We are very fortunate to have booked the KidSport skate shack and we will need a few volunteers organizing and managing the skates and helmets. If you are available to help out during this activity please email Keri Blakeney at rosvolunteers@gmail.com for more information.
Thank you for supporting our Physical Education program!!  
What amazing progress we have been making with our reading so far this year. Every day we take time in class to read independently, to a friend, and sometimes to the whole group.  We are working on using our known reading strategies to decode unfamiliar words as well as reading with expression and making our reading sound interesting by attending to punctuation.  
We are continuing to write our stories in writing.  They are going to be quite the masterpiece when they are done. looking forward to sharing them with you all at student conferences in a couple weeks. 

This week we have been exploring number lines in Math as a strategy to help us solve math equations. We decided it would be great to create our own number lines with lego and have tell a story to solve our math equation! check it out! 


What makes a sustainable community?  What does the word sustainable mean?  We are beginning to think like city planners and are in the initial stages of planning and developing our very own community. Today we looked at what our very own sustainable community might have.  
Health and Wellness

Circle of Courage Spotlight
Sorsha & Brooklyn
March 9

To learn more about the Circle of Courage Spotlight click here.

****Home Reading****
Please send back clear home reading book bags every Tuesday and Thursday to get your new books! The volunteers exchange the books in the morning so it is important that students hand them in first thing when they arrive.

Important dates: 

Monday Feb 26- Thursday Mar. 15 – Artist in Residence in Grade 1, Sharon Fartowsky. 
Thursday Mar 8- Sign up for Conferences is open online
Monday Mar 12- Class Photo Day  
Monday Mar 12- School Council Meeting 7pm
Wednesday Mar 14- Skating Pereira 1:30pm
Thursday Mar 15- Skating - Daniels 1:00pm
Friday Mar 16- Skating - Daniels & Pereira 9:30pm
Thursday Mar 22- Student Centred Conferences 4:30pm-8:30pm
Friday Mar 23- Student Centred Conferences 8am-12pm
Monday Mar26-Monday Apr.2- Spring Break 
Tuesday Apr.3 - Class resumes


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