Needs and Wants

In Inquiry, students are discussion the difference between Needs and Wants. Students brainstormed and discussed in small groups their personal needs and wants. Then, we discussed our community needs and wants. Ask your child what they believe is essential in our community and why.

Toys, Watches and others distractions

We are asking everyone to be thoughtful about the items in students’ backpacks. We all know that toys should not be brought into school, but also items that can become a distraction or reason for disagreements. For example, lately we noticed a few girls sharing bracelets, lip balm, necklaces and others items. First, lost or broken items result in very sad feelings. Second, it can result in discussions about the ownership of such items. Finally, it take away the attention and focus they should be directing to their learning.

Our classrooms are filled with items to keep us busy. Therefore, toys, watches, bracelets, ‘special’ notepads or pens, electronics, cards, and others objects should stay at home. Special items may be brought to share during Circle of Courage, but they must be kept in a safe place until the end of the day!

Once again, the reason this has always been a school policy is that it causes problems when things get lost, broken, cause disagreements and become a distraction.

Circle of Courage Spotlight
Silas & Dua
February 2

To learn more about the Circle of Courage Spotlight click here.

****Home Reading****
Please send back clear home reading book bags every Tuesday and Thursday to get your new books! The volunteers exchange the books in the morning so it is important that students hand them in first thing when they arrive.

Important dates:
Wednesday Feb 7 - Book Truck
Thursday Feb 8 - Group class Picture Day
Friday Feb 8 - One World Drumming - Sharing Time:
Ms. Daniels: 9:10 - 9:40 / Mr. Pereira: 9:40 - 10:10
Wednesday Feb 14 - Snack Day
Thursday Feb 15 - Teacher's Convention - Non-Instructional Day. No school for students
Friday Feb 16 - Teacher's Convention - Non-Instructional Day. No school for students


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