Literacy Night

Thank you to the families who attended Literacy night last evening. The students were sharing their experiences this morning and it sounds like it was a big success!  Even if you were unable to attend it was a window into what we do in our classrooms on a daily basis. Literacy is not restricted to just reading and writing, but it's something we fuse among all subject areas focusing on interdisciplinary learning. Examples are:
  • Reading rich math literature and doing problem solving from the story shared.
  • Mapping skills, understanding how to follow and read directions,
  • Examining photographs, making inferences and connections,
  • Recording data from a Science experiment.
  • Looking at signs and symbols for meaning.
  • Using puppets as a tool for storytelling or retelling stories
  • Drama and readers theatre for expression and sharing.
There is so much more, but that is a snapshot into what teachers thinking about when designing rich literacy tasks for your children!

Literacy Week 

Next week we are celebrating Literacy Week with a variety of activities.

Monday Jan. 22 - Kick off assembly in the gym.  
Please wear Royal Oak Blue.  Book Tour Walk - Teachers will be sharing their favourite books in a display format.  

Tuesday, Jan. 23 - Guest Reader Day 
Ms. Sparks and Ms. Bradbury will be reading to different classes.

Wednesday, Jan. 24 - Buddy Reading Day
Buddy classes will be sharing and reading books together.  Teachers will also be reading aloud their favourite books.  

Thursday, Jan. 25 - Pajama, Stuffy and Favourite Book Day
Please wear your pyjamas and bring your favourite book from home.  We will be sharing these with our classmates and buddies.

Friday, Jan. 26 - No School

This is a system wide professional development day.  There will be no class for students.  

****Home Reading****
Please send back clear home reading book bags every Tuesday and Thursday to get your new books! The volunteers exchange the books in the morning so it is important that students hand them in first thing when they arrive.

Important dates:
Monday Jan 22 - Literacy Week begins - Wear your Royal Oak Blue clothing
Monday Jan 22 - Kindergarten Registration begins
Thursday Jan 25 - Pajama, Stuffy and bring a favourite book from home Day
Friday Jan 26 - Non-Instructional Day. No school for students


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