Thursday December 14, 2017

Story writing
Students were given 4 pictures of 2 dogs playing, then they were asked to order them any way they wanted. Next students were to write a story based on what they thought was happening in each photo. We were focusing on adding uppercase letters and punctuation where appropriate. Students are encouraged to give their story "voice" and add juicy words to their sentences.

Ask me about: What was your story about? What happened first? Then what happened? How will your story end?

Mrs. Daniels class had a sequencing challenge today in order to demonstrate how we can work together respectfully to put the story of "Charlotte's Web" together. Great work everyone.!!!
***Mrs. Daniels class can you please bring in a plastic bag tomorrow so I can send home some sparkly art work ;)

Report cards:
Report cards will go home with students next week on December 19. If you know you will not be here, please send to the school a large self addressed envelope (8 1/2 x 11) with proper postage. If we receive the envelope with postage we will be able to mail the report card to your home. Thank you.

Circle of Courage Spotlight
Amy and Brett
Friday December 15

To learn more about the Circle of Courage Spotlight click here.

****Home Reading****
Please send back clear home reading book bags every Tuesday and Thursday to get your new books! The volunteers exchange the books in the morning so it is important that students hand them in first thing when they arrive.

Important dates:

Monday Dec. 18 - Fun Lunch
Tuesday Dec. 19 - Report cards go home
Thursday Dec. 21 - Wacky winter clothes day-wear your festive winter attire to school.
Thursday Dec. 21 - Last Day of Classes (Winter Break)
Friday Dec. 22 - Non-Instructional Day. No school for students
Monday Jan. 8 - Classes Resume


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