Monday December 4, 2017

We are continuing to introduce formal addition and have been experimenting with addition games and using manipulatives (blocks or counters) to build our confidence when working with and writing addition sentences. We will be introducing the plus (+) and (=) signs and what they represent. 

We continue to work on our reading strategies in our morning literacy groups. Please encourage your child to use their strategies when practicing reading at home. For example, “looking to the pictures for a clue” or “sounding out the word”. Other strategies that may be useful are “skipping the word and reading on” then come back to see if the word makes sense after reading the whole sentence.
We are beginning to talk about story sequencing and have experimented making comic strips to introduce story writing. Talk to your child after reading together about what happened first in the book? Then what happened next?  How did the story end? This will reinforce what we will be discussing in writing here at school.
We are continuing are reflection from the Glenbow museum and will be discussing all of the important ways the Blackfoot people used the buffalo. 

We are also finishing up our activities around communication and our sense of hearing.

Ask me about.... What did you gym today?  

Stephen's Backpacks 

We will be accepting donations for Stephen's Backpacks until the end of the school week, (Thursday, December 7th). A special 'Thank You' to our Royal Oak families for your generosity. At the heart of every donation is the desire to make a difference in one child's life.

Circle of Courage Spotlight
Amy and Brett
December 15

To learn more about the Circle of Courage Spotlight click here.

****Home Reading****
Please send back clear home reading book bags every Tuesday and Thursday to get your new books! The volunteers exchange the books in the morning so it is important that students hand them in first thing when they arrive.

Important dates:
Thursday Dec. 7 - Charlotte's Web Field Trip
Friday Dec. 8 - Non-Instructional Day No School for students
Monday Dec. 11 - Naturalization committee meeting - 7pm
Monday Dec. 18 - Fun Lunch
Friday Dec. 21 - Last Day of Classes (Winter Break)
Friday Dec. 22 - Non-Instructional Day No school for students
Monday Jan. 8 - Classes Resume


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