Monday December 18, 2017

We had our first whole-school carolling event in the gym today. We are definitely feeling Jolly!  Join us on Wednesday morning if you missed out today. 
We have begun to design our gingerbread houses and tomorrow we will be constructing a solid structure entirely out of graham crackers and candy goodness! students are invited to bring in candy to decorate their houses tomorrow. 
On Thursday students are invited to bring in a non-electronic (no ipads or noise makers ;)) game to school that they know how to play and will be able to show their classmates how to play cooperatively.  This encourages student's leadership abilities, sharing and turn taking.  Please bring your games in Thursday morning. 
Ms. Barley popped in for a quick visit and some carolling this afternoon with her new little guy, Bowen. So nice to see her and meet baby Bowen:) 
1) Carolling: Is happening Wednesday from 9:15-9:45. All are welcome to join us! 

2) Gingerbread building challenge:
 On Tuesday Dec 19th Students will be asked the question "How can I engineer a gingerbread house that can stand on its own?" We will be providing the graham cracker cookies and icing to build the foundation of the gingerbread houses, however, if students would like to decorate their gingerbread house they are encouraged to bring their own candy.

3) Report Cards: will be going home Tuesday dec 19th.

4) Royal Oak School Spirit day: is Wednesday Dec 20th. Students are encouraged to wear blue

4) Wild, Whimsical, Wacky Winter Wear Day: is on Thursday Dec 21st. Students are encourage to wear a festive sweater, funky winter wear, or Royal Oak Blue. *** Bring in a game to teach your classmates how to play !!!
5) Last day of school: is Thursday Dec 21st. Classes resume January 8th. Have a wonderful winter break.

Important dates:

Tuesday Dec. 19 - Report cards go home
Thursday Dec. 21 - Wacky winter clothes day-wear your festive winter attire to school.
Thursday Dec. 21 - Last Day of Classes (Winter Break)
Thursday Dec. 21 - bring a board-game to school
Friday Dec. 22 - Non-Instructional Day. No school for students
Monday Jan. 8 - Classes Resume


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