Remembrance Day
Any students that are a member of a service group such as Cubs, Girl Guides, etc., are invited to wear their uniform as part of the Remembrance Day ceremony on Friday, November 10.


Reading is essential for a child’s success.
Please encourage your child to read every night and also the use of our reading websites:

These websites allows students to work independently to: practice their reading skills and provide them with a positive reading experience!


Glenbow Museum field trip forms:
Please fill out the forms and return by Nov 13th. Thank you.


Book Club
We want our students to get excited about reading. As they participate and are encouraged to choose their own books, they become more motivated and interested in reading. Students have access to Scholastic catalogues to order books and learning games. If you are interested, ask your child if they have a book catalogue.


Circle of Courage Spotlight
Kashus & Walker
November 10
1 student will be chosen each Friday to present on the circle of courage. The selected student will receive a letter home that details what is expected in their presentation. We are looking forward to learning more about each other and how we relate in the 4 quadrants of the circle of courage. See below for the details of the circle of courage:
The Circle of Courage student will be announced once a week. The student will have until their presentation date to collect the following items to share with the class.

An artifact your child is proud of and demonstrates independence. i.e. piece of art, writing, project, or video of dance

An artifact that demonstrates a skill or activity your child has mastered. i.e. medals, awards, and certificates

Photograph (no more than 3) that shows belonging along with some of the traditions you have as a family. i.e. Family photo, playing with others, family vacation, holiday traditions, cultural traditions, sports team, class photo.

Family Letter: Family members will be responsible for writing a letter to the class telling us how special your child is to you. Send the letter in a sealed envelope to the school with your child for their presentation date. I will read the letter to the class during our circle meetings when your child is presenting their artifacts. The content of the letter is up to you, but you may wish to choose from one of the following ideas: Describe special or funny stories about your child for the class to hear, tell us some interesting facts (no more then 3) we may not know about your child, send silly or special pictures with a letter describing the picture, or write a short story with your child as the main character. You may also send a video for the class to watch if you choose.

After your child has had the opportunity to share, his or her classmates will recognize your child as our Circle of Courage student of the day by writing about how they see your child demonstrating one of the four quadrants on the Circle of Courage. We appreciate your participation in our Circle of Courage Spotlight and look forward to getting to know your child better and build a caring classroom community!


****Home Reading****
-Please send back clear home reading book bags every Tuesday and Thursday to get your new books! The volunteers exchange the books in the morning so it is important that students hand them in first thing when they arrive.


Important dates
Monday Nov. 13 – School council meeting 7pm
Thursday Nov. 16 – Student conferences – 4:30-8:30pm
Friday Nov. 17 – Non Instructional Day – Student conferences 8:00am-12:00pm


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