Monday October 30, 2017

Tomorrow students are invited to wear the colours orange and black if they choose. We are not dressing up in costumes.

Today we counted our pumpkin seeds. We tried all sorts of strategies to count our seeds.
Ask me about: How many seeds were in your pumpkin? How did you count them?

We are learning about our senses this week and how they help us communicate with the world. We will be visiting all of the Grade 1 teachers to talk about the sense of sight.
Ask me about: What teacher did you visit today in Inquiry and what did you learn about your sense of sight?

Naturalization Project
If you are interested in being a part of the Naturalization project for Royal Oak School, you are invited to attend a meeting at Royal Oak School November 2, 2017 at 7pm.  

Circle of Courage
Circle of Courage Spotlight
Lily and Merab
November 3

1 student will be chosen each Friday to present on the circle of courage. The selected student will receive a letter home that details what is expected in their presentation. We are looking forward to learning more about each other and how we relate in the 4 quadrants of the circle of courage. See below for the details of the circle of courage:

The Circle of Courage student will be announced once a week. The student will have until their presentation date to collect the following items to share with the class.
·    An artifact your child is proud of and demonstrates independence. i.e. piece of art, writing, project, or video of dance
·    An artifact that demonstrates a skill or activity your child has mastered. i.e. medals, awards, and certificates
·     Photograph (no more than 3) that shows belonging along with some of the traditions you have as a family. i.e. Family photo, playing with others, family vacation, holiday traditions, cultural traditions,  sports team, class photo.
·     Family Letter: Family members will be responsible for writing a letter to the class telling us how special your child is to you. Send the letter in a sealed envelope to the school with your child for their presentation date. I will read the letter to the class during our circle meetings when your child is presenting their artifacts. The content of the letter is up to you, but you may wish to choose from one of the following ideas: Describe special or funny stories about your child for the class to hear, tell us some interesting facts (no more then 3) we may not know about your child, send silly or special pictures with a letter describing the picture, or write a short story with your child as the main character. You may also send a video for the class to watch if you choose.

After your child has had the opportunity to share, his or her classmates will recognize your child as our Circle of Courage student of the day by writing about how they see your child demonstrating one of the four quadrants on the Circle of Courage. We appreciate your participation in our Circle of Courage Spotlight and look forward to getting to know your child better and build a caring classroom community!

****Home Reading****
-Please send back clear home reading book bags every Tuesday and Thursday to get your new books! The volunteers exchange the books in the morning so it is important that students hand them in first thing when they arrive.


Dear Parents and Guardians,

Halloween will soon be upon us and Royal Oak School would like to recognize the occasion with our annual “Pumpkinella” event. This is a strictly optional activity where families are encouraged to work together to carve a pumpkin and bring it to the school. The jack-o-lanterns will then all be displayed in the school’s “pumpkin patch” (gathering area). Throughout the course of the day, students will have the opportunity to tour the “pumpkin patch,” marvel at the creative contributions, and ready themselves with ideas and plans for the following year.

As Halloween falls on a Tuesday this year, parents can drop their pumpkins off Monday, October 30th from 4-5pm and can pick their pumpkins up on Tuesday, October 31st from 4-5pm. Please do not send pumpkins before these dates as in the warm school environment they often will not survive several days. It is highly recommended that families pre-arrange adult support for dropping off and picking up pumpkins as they are often challenging for our young students to manage on their own.

Please note, any pumpkins not picked up by 5:00pm on October 31st will be disposed of.

We hope to see all your spooky jack-o-lanterns in our ROS pumpkin patch soon. Please contact your child’s teacher should you have any questions or concerns about this event.


The Pumpkinella Committee        

Important dates
Monday Oct. 30 Pumpkin drop off (4-5pm)
Tuesday Oct. 31 – Pumpkinella
Tuesday Oct. 31 – Black and Orange day!
Wednesday Nov. 1 – Picture orders due
Thursday Nov. 2 – Royal Oak Naturalization meeting 7pm
Wednesday Nov. 8 – Picture retake day


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