
Showing posts from October, 2017

Tuesday October 31, 2017

Book Truck is coming tomorrow.  If you did not already return the blue form at the beginning of the school year with your child's library card number, please send in the number with your child tomorrow so they can get a book from the book truck.  Thank you!!  Have a safe and fun night!  Naturalization Project If you are interested in being a part of the Naturalization project for Royal Oak School, you are invited to attend a meeting at Royal Oak School November 2, 2017 at 7pm.    Circle of Courage Circle of Courage Spotlight Lily and Merab November 3 1 student will be chosen each Friday to present on the circle of courage. The selected student will receive a letter home that details what is expected in their presentation. We are looking forward to learning more about each other and how we relate in the 4 quadrants of the circle of courage. See below for the details of the circle of courage: The Circle of Courage student will be announced once a

Monday October 30, 2017

Hallowe’en Tomorrow students are invited to wear the colours orange and black if they choose. We are not dressing up in costumes. Math Today we counted our pumpkin seeds. We tried all sorts of strategies to count our seeds. Ask me about: How many seeds were in your pumpkin? How did you count them? Inquiry We are learning about our senses this week and how they help us communicate with the world. We will be visiting all of the Grade 1 teachers to talk about the sense of sight. Ask me about: What teacher did you visit today in Inquiry and what did you learn about your sense of sight? Naturalization Project If you are interested in being a part of the Naturalization project for Royal Oak School, you are invited to attend a meeting at Royal Oak School November 2, 2017 at 7pm.    Circle of Courage Circle of Courage Spotlight Lily and Merab November 3 1 student will be chosen each Friday to present on the circle of courage. The selected student will r

Friday October 27, 2017

Naturalization Project If you are interested in being a part of the Naturalization project for Royal Oak School, you are invited to attend a meeting at Royal Oak School November 2, 2017 at 7pm.    Math We had so much fun measuring our pumpkins this week. We measured the height, width and all the way around the pumpkin. Ask me about: How many blocks high was your pumpkin? Inquiry We are learning about our senses this week and how they help us communicate with the world. We will be visiting all of the Grade 1 teachers to talk about the sense of sight. Ask me about: What teacher did you visit today in Inquiry, what did you learn about your sense of sight? Circle of Courage Circle of Courage Spotlight One student will be chosen each Friday to present on the circle of courage. The selected student will receive a letter home that details what is expected in their presentation. We are looking forward to learning more about each other and how we relate in